Inaugural NEUREXIN1 Research and Family Conference: Establishing Connections

Posted On: November 03, 2024

The inaugural NEUREXIN1 (NRXN1) Research and Family Conference: Establishing Connections was hosted virtually on September 13th and 14th, with well-over 100 researchers, family members, clinicians, friends, caregivers, and self-advocates attending over two schedule-packed days. 

Day One included stimulating talks from researchers across the globe on various topics in human genetics, animal models, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Researchers from many institutions and organizations concluded the conference by exploring future research collaborations. ASPE Co-Director Maja Bućan, Ph.D., and ASPE Principal Investigator Marc Fuccillo, M.D., Ph.D., gave research presentations, whilst many ASPE PIs attended.  

Day Two’s Family Conference focused on research and clinical talks on a range of topics – including ongoing NRXN1-related research studies, managing anxiety, promoting positive behavior, and the relationship between autism and psychosis. ASPE Co-Director Edward S. Brodkin, M.D., presented on ASPE’s Neurexin Research and ongoing recruitment.  

To conclude the Family Conference, attending families had the opportunity to get to know the NRXN1 Network board members, including ASPE Advisory Board Member Marissa Mitchell. Family members also participated in breakout sessions during which they could meet other families in the community.  

ASPE looks forward facilitating future opportunities for NRXN1 families and researchers to connect and collaborate, with the ultimate goal of increased understanding and better care for the families.
